Thursday, September 20, 2012

This is NOT a date!

Yesterday was not a good day for my son. He just woke up with an attitude and when I told him to go upstairs to find his "nice" self he told me that his "nice self" ran away and would only come back if I got him a 3DS. He will be missed...

So after getting in trouble like forty-seven times, we all went out to wait for the bus. He barely gave me his cheek to kiss and then he was gone. I hoped that after school would prove to be better, but that didn't pan out for me either. At dinner he got in trouble for antagonizing his sisters and not sitting at the table properly. He then got in trouble for tackling his sister and making her cry. Not. A. Good. Day.

When I tried to tuck him in, he refused to look at me. I crawled next to him and tried to put my head under his face--to see his eyes and make him laugh. His response?
"Eeww--I don't know what you think you are doing, but I am not going to kiss  you on the lips. This is NOT a date!"

And to think that at one time he wanted to marry me!


  1. Well, at least he's not the baby, right? Sorry about the Blogger Idol thing, too. Next year, though, is your year. I can feel it!

    1. You are too sweet! I really would have been more than surprised if I had gotten "audition" was really lacking. I saw the post about it and was afraid I wouldn't do it if I waited to be well-rested, so I quickly wrote it, sent it, and went to bed. THEN I was mad at myself for not waiting! Anyway, thanks for caring...I'll start writing my "audition" now so that I will (possibly) be ready for it next year!

  2. Replies
    1. THIS is why people drink if you're not a drinker, you may want to start! ;o)

  3. lol...what a stinker he is, don't you just love their personalities?

  4. Days like that are 5 year old acts like that sometimes and it just wears me out. I don't know what I'm going to do in 10 years ;)


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