Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So, http://mommaliciousmom.blogspot.com/2012/01/liebster-blog-award.html nominated me for the Liebster Award and I couldn't be more flattered! The initial blog I wrote today is very...yelly...and angry, so I don't feel very worthy of an award. I think I covered most of my feelings about mornings in http://anothertiredmommy.blogspot.com/2011/12/children-of-mass-destruction.htmlhttp://anothertiredmommy.blogspot.com/2011/10/thing-is-mornings-around-here.html,
http://anothertiredmommy.blogspot.com/2011/10/so-today-it-was-braydens-turn.html, and
http://anothertiredmommy.blogspot.com/2011/10/soveryt-i-r-e-d.html.  I am sure I covered this topic in MANY more posts, but these are the four that stood out. My post today was even...mean. It essentially discussed my horrible night and similar morning. This morning was worse than most, however, and my ridiculousness with honesty may lead you all to call DYPHS. Don't worry--no one was actually HARMED in the making of the blog OR in the actual nighttime/morning routine, but I have to say it came close.

Let's not talk about sad and aggravating things right now. Let's instead focus on ME--I mean--this AWARD! The idea of the Liebster Award is to get the word out about blogs you love to read and http://mommaliciousmom.blogspot.com/2012/01/liebster-blog-award.html was nice enough to nominate ME!

The rules of this award are as follows:

1. Show your thanks to the blogger who nominated you by linking back to their blog. A HUGE thank you to http://mommaliciousmom.blogspot.com/2012/01/liebster-blog-award.html !

2. Nominate five other happy little blogs (200 followers or less) by posting a comment on their blogs. 

3. Post the award on your blog. (THIS may take me a while...Remember what happened LAST time? http://anothertiredmommy.blogspot.com/2011/12/ive-been-slacking-bit-on-blog-lately-i.html)  It wasn't pretty, but my dear friend from http://designherbrands.blogspot.com/ and http://adoredbefore.blogspot.com/ saved the day for me ONCE AGAIN and posted my award. I wonder if she will save me again...cricket...cricket...

4. Check out what the other up-and-coming blogs have to offer.

This one is really hard for me because there are SO MANY great blogs out there! I feel like I've found so many people like me (frightening thought, I suppose!)  who when all is said and done, just want to be able to laugh. THANK YOU to all of the great bloggers out there who help me to realize that I am NOT alone! 

1. OBVIOUSLY http://adoredbefore.blogspot.com/ and  http://designherbrands.blogspot.com/ are on the list, though I don't think they should count as number one (so I can have room for others!) because they are just A GIVEN. Let's start again...

1.http://www.alittlelucidity.com/ Lucy coined me her "Sistah from another Mistah" when we first "met through our blogs, and I couldn't agree more! We have even been known to type the same thoughts simultaneously (it would seem)! Since we both are so adamantly against plagiarism, it is surprising that so much of our material is the same, but I do believe we share a brain!

2.http://www.perspectiveparenting.com/2012/01/08/the-advanced-degree-of-life/#comments She is always so in tune with what we ALL are going through with this parenting thing. Her latest post about being an expert on things is AWESOME and MUST be read by EVERYONE!

3. http://shopnserve.blogspot.com/ is my dear friend Amber's blog and it is AMAZING! She shares yummy recipes, but more than that, she helps you to organize your life in the kitchen and to save money in the process.

4.http://lilycontadino.blogspot.com/  Mom Next Door tells some hilarious tales about her life as a mom. Her newest one involves handcuffs...and http://www.stowedstuff.com/ also puts her readers at ease.
5.    http://sweetmiasdesserts.wordpress.com my incredibly talented friend Kate makes the YUMMIEST desserts (and at Katie J. Designs, she also makes American Girl Doll clothes, fashionable headbands...check her out!)

There are SO MANY OTHERS...those I named in http://anothertiredmommy.blogspot.com/2011/12/ive-been-slacking-bit-on-blog-lately-i.html) (there may be a repeat or two!) some syndicated (who KNEW, right?) some not, but if I could make more hours in the day, I would spend them reading the ridiculous amount of blogs that are out there because they are FAN-TASTIC!  I am unable to look at all of my faves every day, but I try to get to each of them at least once a week. 

Stephanie of Gumdrop Pass  has a sweet blog about her adventures (right now) with potty training (and a nice letter to 2012) and  Swanky Baby's Mom is also jumping into potty training, 

Naked Mommy is always good for laughs and I love her honesty and 

I love, love LOVE
Samantha at Have Sippy Will Travel. 

There are too many to list and I do not want to slight anyone, so I just want you (in ALL of your spare time!) to check out the fun blogs that are out there--just don't forget about mine!
If I ever get another award (which I'm thinking if I post the rant I wrote this morning, THAT won't be happening any time soon...) I will definitely list some other great ones

Thanks again to http://mommaliciousmom.blogspot.com/2012/01/liebster-blog-award.html for thinking of me--I hope you all get a chance to read her blog! If I ever get another award (which I'm thinking if I post the rant I wrote this morning, THAT won't be happening any time soon...) I will definitely list some other great ones


  1. aw, thank you! you made my day :) i have been having a really rough week, and i love, LOVE, love that you love my site :) (and by the way- we all have mornings like that, LOL- ahhhh....motherhood!)

  2. Oh Samantha--I am TOTALLY FEELING it with you! Your posts always make ME feel better, so I am happy to do the same for you! As for my younger and feistier (and nicer...and hotter...geez--you got EVERYTHING, didn't you?!) sister--it was TRULY my pleasure!

  3. thanks for the love! hon, you're allowed to have a bad day or days. it's all part of the job. yesterday and today i just wanted to get away from the kids. my husband said, "maybe you don't have postpartum depression. maybe we just annoy you." sad but true. but funny too... hope your week gets better!!

  4. WOOOO! I love winning awards!! It makes me all motivated and shit! Awesome!!

    I very much enjoy your blog and am very glad that you feel the same about mine!

    And umm, ranting posts are some of my favorite. Just saying.

    Have a great day!

  5. NM--Tell your husband that I have always had that SAME theory! When I was pregnant with my third, my doctor wanted me to go on antidepressants. I told him that perhaps everyone AROUND me should go on the meds--if THEY weren't so bothersome, I wouldn't BE so annoyed all the time!
    MND- I feel the same about awards, though then there is that added pressure, right?:o) Thanks to both of you for the support! I love how cathartic blogging can be...it's nice to have people to commiserate with when all of the madness ensues!


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