Okay, I know I did this a few weeks (months?) ago about Twitter (and NOTHING has changed!), but I HAVE to discuss Pinterest. My friend Kate from Sweet Mia's Desserts was the first to tell me about this (her new LOVE she promised me) and she "invited" me to join. SO...being a dutiful friend, I did. Join. Or I THOUGHT I did. A few weeks later, the same story took place with my friend Gayle. I "joined" again. A few more weeks went by and...well...somehow this last week I ended up actually ON Pinterest...and I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what I am doing.
So I understand that there are boards. I have boards. I have no idea where they came from (I am pretty sure I stole them from another friend who is enamored with this site) and I have NO IDEA what I am doing with said boards. Evidently I am pinning and repinning things...or at least I am stealing...pins...from all of my friends. I've also noticed that some friends are liking and repinning things from MY boards. The boards that mean absolutely nothing to me. When this happens, I feel jealous that these people are able to do with my boards what I am unable to do with them. USE them! For those of you who are even more behind that I am, boards aren't ACTUALLY boards. I suppose they aren't metaphorical boards, either, but that is the best I can do with THAT.
Part of me (the part that has a husband and a son who take it personally when I am on the computer (seriously, my son is REALLY weird about it) knows that it is probably BETTER that I do not know what I am doing on it because from what I hear, those who KNOW what they are doing would trade their firstborn for extra hours on it. Of course, THAT is what I heard about Twitter and I have to say, I am horrible on THAT as well. I don't see it getting any better--with either one of them--but I've been wrong before...
I agree that there are some cute things on Pinterest, but aren't these just things on the internet? The whole concept REALLY confuses me. Was it created to take the place of the Favorites or Bookmark feature? And did someone think it would be neat if we could SHARE our favorite and bookmarked items with the rest of society? I need to know. I feel like if I KNOW what the point is or what the thinking behind it is, I will be better equipped to use it. At least that is what I FEEL...maybe in actuality I will discover the point and still not be interested. I was never food at going back to my favorite or bookmarked items. I would save them and have a list of like FIFTY "Favorites" and would never look at them again. Ever. I feel like it will be similar with Pinterest (a statement which just sent like forty of you (HAHAHAHA...because there are FORTY of you reading...HAHAHAHA...one can hope...) into a state of panic because of the not-weird-at-all relationships you have formed with this site).
Now, get ready to "PIN" this (I'm only kidding--I have no idea how that would happen):
I am now taking applications (really I will accept anyone who is willing to do this and if you don't volunteer, I will FIND you and HOUND you--I thought this way would be nicer) for people to guest post about Twitter and Pinterest. this person can write about their love of these things if necessary, but I need someone to explain to me HOW to fit in Twitter AND Pinterest AND facebook AND blogging AND Words With Friends (Castleville, something with fish, Farmville (?!) AND something with...chronicles...) AND children AND a husband AND...I'm sure you can take it from here. I need a plan--a computer schedule if you will. PLEASE!
SO...any of you who can make this tutorial...PINteresting (HA! I am going to be cracking myself up for a LONG time over THAT one! Yes, I also am CERTAIN that I was not the first person to come up with it...thanks!) and clear enough for a five-year-old to understand will be my hero! I think we have established that I have nothing to offer monetarily speaking, but I WILL either have you guest post (in addition to your AWESOME tutorial) or I will do a post featuring you and/or your family. OR...I will write about the topic of your choosing. Just be nice.
Anyone?Anyone?Anyone? Anyone?Anyone?Anyone? Anyone?Anyone?Anyone?
ANYONE?! (...didn't work in Ferris Bueller's class and isn't working now...) I'll still wait. And THEN I will find you. Only I won't look on Pinterest. OR Twitter.
Hello world!
6 months ago
I did a little tutorial in January :) http://noelgiger.blogspot.com/2012/01/pinterest-piques-my-interest.html
ReplyDeleteConnect it to your FB and Twitter accounts, then you can tweet your pins. I've gotten lots of new followers from this!
Thanks for commenting on my Sock Massacre post :)
Okay...so I am hoping that this "connecting" that you speak of is explained in your tutorial, no? I will check it out--THANK YOU! I LOVE the title--it seems we have the same sense of humor, but you seem to be using it more than I do! (WHAT? I have no idea what I am saying half the time!) I'll get back to you after I read it...
DeleteNika I LOVED this post! I don't use twitter other than to have my blot automatically go out when I post it, don't ask me how, I have no clue what I did. As for the other stuff, I live Pintrest, its fun, not addicting, but fun. I also do facebook, I love sharing my photography there and have just found Photobucket to save pics to. I stopped doing all the games on Facebook with the exception of Farmville, but I love getting badges on Pogo every week. I try to Blog every day (something I should be doing now) and I play Words With Friends before bed, I also like to read. So, the secret to being able to do all those things you ask? Its easy, we are retired with no kids, and it doesn't hurt that I am menopausal so the husband pretty much lets me do what I want. ;-) New follower on Facebook and email, thanks for stopping by yesterday, sorry I am late getting back, we have had so much snow its hard to keep up with it all.
DeleteI am so happy to hear that other people are signed up for and belong to things that they have no clue about either! I often wonder about all of the twiterest type things I have left unattended out in cyberspace! I too love Words With Friends, but before I got sucked into that I tried to avoid the games. As it stands, I am on the computer for most of the day and into the night. It's actually pretty bad! And I am NOT retired, I DO have children at home, but I AM menopausal(ish)--I guess THAT is the card I need to play! ;o) Thanks for visiting and following!
DeleteGreat post! I wish I could help you - while I do (sort of) understand Pinterest (it's like having visual reminders of your bookmarked favorites - I think) I don't get the rest of it. I might have accidentally signed up for 2 Twitter accounts, neither of which I've ever used, and I'm not on Facebook. I'm like a cave person! But it's because, like you, I can't begin to imagine how people keep up with it all. I have a hard enough time keeping track of where I left my kids and checking email - I know it's almost necessary these days for networking, but I can't start Wording With Friends and changing my status and unfriending jerks and who knows what else. It's giving me a headache just thinking about it.
ReplyDeleteHA! I swear I have ELEVEN Pinterest accounts and quite possibly several Twitter accounts, so I feel better knowing that I am not alone! There is also a place for the texts that people send me, but since I don't HAVE texting (Who is the caveperson now?!), I don't get them. MAYBE they go to my dormant Twinterest accounts! I have to say, I do love facebook and blogged about it a while ago (if you are interested) http://anothertiredmommy.blogspot.com/2011/10/staying-connected.html
DeleteI have a harder time keeping up with the facebook for the blog (which lay dormant for months before I decided to try to figure out what to DO with it!) but for personal reasons it is SO helpful. I don't have to panic about being a crummy friend anymore because it is so easy to get in touch with people. I really don't think that you would regret doing it (though at first it CAN be addicting and time consuming). Thanks for following--sorry for the long-winded response! I'd like to say that it will get better...
Oh, and I'm following by email - because I DO know how to check THAT! ;)
ReplyDeletePinterest. I had to check this out. Every one has one and I thought I am really missing out on this! This must be fantastic! And it's a bunch of empty boards. I have 9 boards and I think 8 are empty.
ReplyDeleteTwitter originally started out as a site for me to follow all my fave celebrities. It morphed into this thing that got totally out of hand. My celebs are over run with rafflecopter giveaways and the like.
Facebook on a personal note is fantastic, but as a fan page for the blog, there's absolutely no connecting going on there.
It's all a bunch of pointless pointing and clicking and following that most of the time I have no real idea why I am doing it.
YOU are not the only one with empty boards! Actually, I have no idea WHAT my boards look like--I just try to "steal" from others and hope that I am able to get back to where I was in the first place! Wow--THAT was as confusing as Pinterest is! I feel the same about twitter--though people SWEAR by it! One day I will know EXACTLY what I am doing. With everything. Actually, I would be happy just to know what I am doing with ANYTHING! Thanks for visiting!
DeleteThanks for following my blog back. If your ever interested in learning more about how i lost my weight let me know. http://katiandresen.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI don't understad Pinterest either! Great blog! Following from the blog hop. Hope you'll check me out too! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHow funny--I DID check out your blog yesterday, but was unable to comment for some reason (related to my ability to use a computer). LOVED it! Thanks for follwing!
DeleteWhen you figure out what the F is up with Pinterest let me know! I'm SOOO lost about it too! Although, I waste enough time blogging, it's probably better that I don't get Pinterested (hahaha, I make myself laugh sometimes!)(But it seems it's always just me laughing.)
ReplyDeleteI couldn't reply to your comment on my blog because your email isn't attached to you comments. (Need a tutorial?) I don't have a FB account (again, blogging is more than enough) but you tempt me with your talk about more followers! :-)
So I need to attach my email...I never know what I am doing, let's be honest--my entire life is a crap shoot! I DO think that you should get a facebook account--you can definitely get more followers and it is easier for people (not you) to click on the facebook link to get your posts. Also, you will get the notification that your fellow crazed-momma has pimped you out to the rest of the blogosphere and beyond...:o)
Deletegreat laugh! I love twitter and pinterest -- I think the proof is in how much traffic either one drives to your site. obviously, you need to be on them and use them effectively to track that....
ReplyDeleteI get what you are saying -- no time! I had to let go of words with friends and I never go on Google Plus and limit pinterest to early morning and late night
I made a cute you tube tutorial on pinning --- check it out